A Mental Health Act that works for vulnerable people
This week we submitted our views to the public consultation on reforming the Mental Health Act. Emma Cookson, our Senior Policy and Public Affairs Officer, outlines what we want the legislation to remember about people who are homeless experiencing mental ill health. How many people who are homeless do you think suffer from mental ill […]
Our Putting Down Roots programme
Matt Woodruff, Horticulture Skills Manager, shares his work supporting St Mungo’s clients through Putting Down Roots. Before joining St Mungo’s, Matt had a variety of jobs including garden designer and horticulture teacher – he believes his current role is the most rewarding so far. What is Putting Down Roots? Putting Down Roots is a horticultural […]
Housing First in action: Camden
One of the largest Housing First services St Mungo’s provides is in Camden, which we began running in 2014 with 20 clients. The service has since expanded four times, mostly through Rough Sleeping Initiative (RSI) funding, although its most recent expansion was through the Next Steps Accommodation Programme, increasing its capacity to 72 clients. The power […]
Street Impact Brighton: successes and outcomes
Street Impact Brighton Limited (SIB) was established to work with some of Brighton’s most complex rough sleepers; people with histories which involve prolonged and repeat episodes of rough sleeping as well as complex issues around alcohol, drug use and mental health. The project was due to start in 2017, however attempts to deliver a four-year […]