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Complaints, suggestions and comments

We do our very best to offer a quality service to clients, supporters and people we work with, and we’re always looking for ways we can improve.

We welcome suggestions and want to hear about any instances where people think our service could have been better. It’s all part of being accountable.

You can download an overview of the St Mungo’s complaints procedure here.

More detailed information on the complaints procedure can be downloaded here.

If you have any concerns or suggestions about a particular project, please contact them directly. Staff there will be happy to take the details. In most cases the project management team is best placed to resolve concerns, and will investigate and respond to you as appropriate. If you don’t have the phone number for the project in question, please request one from our head office on 020 3856 6000 or by emailing

If you prefer not to contact the project directly, or are unable to do so for some reason, please contact:

  • Our central inbox if you wish to make a suggestion or let us know about something we’ve done well
  • Our Complaints team if you wish to make a complaint.
  • You can also call us on 020 3856 6068. Calls to this number are answered in person between 10.30am and 3.30pm. Staff may be on another call when you ring, however, so if the line is engaged or diverts to voicemail, we would ask for your patience and to leave us your name and phone number so we can call you back.
  • Alternatively, you can write to the Quality team, St Mungo’s, 3 Thomas More Square, Tower Hill, London E1W 1YW. Please note – we are unable to see personal callers at this address
  • The Supporter Care team if you wish to speak to someone about a donation

We aim to respond within at least 48 hours, though we’re usually quicker.

Depending on the nature of your complaint, the issue may be investigated centrally or passed to the relevant project or regional head for investigation and resolution.

St Mungo’s is committed to delivering a high standard of fundraising activities. However, if you have a complaint, please contact us using the following details: via email to, via the telephone to 020 8600 3000 or via our freepost address to: Freepost St Mungo’s Headquarters.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within two working days, unless we need further details from you to investigate, you will be given an indication of when a full response can be expected, usually within 10 working days.

Whilst we expect to be able to resolve most complaints within that timeframe, if we need to conduct a more in-depth investigation, we will aim to provide you with a full response within 20 working days. If we are unable to meet that deadline due to exceptional circumstances, we will let you know.

If you are not happy with the response you receive, you can request that your concerns are escalated to Senior Management by specifying this and contacting us using the details above.

St Mungo’s is a member of the Fundraising Regulator and if you are not happy with how we have handled your complaint you can refer it to them. Please note that the Fundraising Regulator can only consider complaints received within three months of the original incident.

If you would like to refer your fundraising complaint to the fundraising regulator then please contact them via their website or email

For any other feedback, or any queries relating to donations, please also contact us using the details above.

St Mungo’s aims to provide a quality service to our clients, staff and supporters, but we know that sometimes things go wrong. Where they do, we’re dedicated to putting things right.

We are a member of the Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS). This is set up by law to look at complaints about the housing organisations that are registered with them. The service is free, independent and impartial. The HOS has updated its Complaint Handling Code, and we’ve reviewed our policies and procedures to ensure we are aligned with the Code. To read our HOS Complaint Handling Code Self-Assessment, please click here

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