This week we’re asking our supporters, volunteers, staff and clients to think about what world they’d like to pass on, as part of Remember a Charity in your Will Week.

We asked some of our clients, and they shared what world they want to pass on with us:

‘A world where there is no homelessness and to show that recovery is possible with the right support around you.’  

‘A world where everyone feels seen and appreciated for who they are.’

Remember a Charity in your Will Week have launched a radio station with DJ Emperor Rosko so that you too can #HaveYourSay about the world you’d like to pass on.

Gifts in wills help our clients through their journey to recovery, and help to rebuild lives. One of these projects is the Endell Street Studio, where our clients, Claire and Jordan recently visited to help record a jingle for the campaign.

The studio aims to use music creation as a tool to engage and support the recovery of people experiencing homelessness.

Claire says: “I was very excited to have the opportunity to record in the studio at Endell Street for Remember a Charity Week – I enjoyed my time there. I felt like a professional and learnt so much about the technical aspects of recording music.”

Have a listen to the jingles that Jordan and Claire recorded here.

You can also tune into Last Pirate FM on DAB digital radio or listen online at – and listen out for Emperor Rosko singing one of the jingles that will be played on air!

If you’d like to do something legendary for future generations of homeless men and women by leaving a gift in your will, please visit the legacy section of our website or get in touch with Katie Wimpenny at to request an information pack.