In order for us to carry out our vital work providing accommodation and development opportunities for our clients and people experiencing homelessness, we procure a wide range of goods and services. If you’re a current or potential supplier for us, this page explains how we carry out procurement.
Public procurement regulations
We are a charity and a housing association. This means that we’re not classified as a 'contracting authority' under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. However, we’ve decided to follow these regulations, as we believe they represent best practice when it comes to procurement.
All contracts for relevant goods or services worth more than the values set out below have to meet European Union procurement directives.
Current Procurement Thresholds (2021)
Goods | Services | Works | |
Other public sector contracting authorities | £122,976 | £122,976 | £4,733,252 |
New Procurement Thresholds
(effective as of 1st January 2022)
Goods | Services | Works | |
Other public sector contracting authorities | £138,760 | £138,760 | £5,336,937 |
Almost all procurement contracts for business worth more than an EU limit must be published in the daily supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). A free version of this journal (called TED) is available online.
We use a web-based portal called Delta eSourcing hosted by BiP Solutions. This provides a simple, secure and efficient way of managing our tendering and quotation processes.
Standard purchase order terms and conditions for goods and services
All suppliers who we work with must make sure they have a purchase order before providing any goods or services and quote the relevant purchase order number on their invoices.
View our standard purchase order terms and conditions for goods and services:
Our purchase order terms and conditions for goods
Our purchase order terms and conditions for services
Procurement policy
All St Mungo’s procurement activity is governed by our Procurement Policy.
We require suppliers who work with or may come into contact with St Mungo's clients to read our Safeguarding guide and sign up to our Code of Conduct.
You can read our Safeguarding Guide here.
Our Code of Conduct can be found here.
Contact us
For more information, please contact our procurement team.